Name: Daniel Longhi Fernandes Pedro[Lattes]Interests: Noncodings, transposable elements, bioinformatics and machine learningAbout me: Graduated in Analysis and Development of Systems, Federal University of Technology (UTFPR) at Cornélio-Procópio, Brazil [2014]; Master student in Bioinformatics at UTFPR [2017-2018].
Name: Alan Lorenzetti[Lattes]Interests: Mobile genetic elements; ncRNAs; comparative genomics and transcriptomics; genome evolution.About me: PhD. Student in Bioinformatics at University of São Paulo (USP), Ribeirão Preto, Brazil. Master in Genetics and Molecular Biology at State University of Londrina (UEL), Londrina, Brazil.
Name: Douglas Silva Domingues[Lattes]Interests: Plant molecular biology, Genomic and Transcriptional analyses in non-model plants, noncoding RNAs, bioinformatics and genome evolution About me: PhD in Biotechnology - University of São Paulo (USP) [2009]. Research Professor at the Department of Botany, Institute of Biosciences at Rio Claro, São Paulo State University (UNESP), Brazil.E-mail: doug[at]rc[dot]unesp[dot]br
Name: Alexandre Rossi Paschoal[Lattes]Interests: Pattern recognition and machine learning, computational RNAs biology (noncoding RNAs), bioinformatics and comparative genomicsAbout me: Professor at the Federal University of Technology - Paraná - Brazil (UTFPR) PhD in Bioinformatics - University of São Paulo (USP) [2012].E-mail: paschoal[at]utfpr[dot]edu[dot]br